Wasting Time to Clear the Mind #1: Stuff White People Like

[Think I’ll start a little meme called “Wasting Time to Clear the Mind” (WTTCTM, for short) something I find myself doing often. I suppose the majority of these will turn out to be web links to cool stuff.]

So, you’re going along with your canvas shopping tote, blogging your favorite Oscar moments, and engaging in a bit of micro-lending to some third-world struggling entrepreneur – things are pretty great, you’re pretty great!  Then – blammo! – you get hip to the Stuff White People Like Blog and your confidence is shaken.

SWPL is a meme so shockingly perceptive, hilarious, and of our time – the meanness, the divisiveness, the cultural savvy!  – that it must have already made the rounds through the  cubicles and dorm rooms of America three times over by now, but I’m just getting hip.  It is a blog certain to cause a stir in the predominately white,  self-conscious culturally savvy circles in New York City, as everyone scrambles to erase any trace of hypocrisy and shallowness being called-out in each of its razor-sharp entries.

Despite its ability to inspire a queasy feeling, the blog is addictive as hell.   I am in there more than I’d care to mention.  Yes, I admit, I can be the guy who knows what’s best for poor people (#62), and I do think recycling is great because it’s a way to help the environment without really doing much (#64), and, lord, do I ever enjoy being the only white person around (#71) (except at nightclubs)!   Perhaps the next SWPL post should be “Looking for yourself in an SWPL post.”  The implication of putting all of this into a blog is that the list is as endless as our desire to consume crap and culture, and be apart of a world that is fast becoming less white.

And what is to be done about it?  SWPL doesn’t pass moral judgements, that’s our job.

One response to “Wasting Time to Clear the Mind #1: Stuff White People Like

  1. thats for sure, bro

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